Yes, I have the fever, but only in the sense that this presidential race is making me ill.
Can't say for sure, but I believe I lost interest somewhere around debate #793.
As a cartoonist, I've never felt the need to draw political cartoons. Personally, I feel that the politicians make asses out of themselves enough without needing my help.
As a centrist, politics is not my religion, but I do have a strong opinion regarding one thing-NO MORE CLINTON'S OR BUSH'S PLEASE!!!!!!
We've suffered through 16 years of these people, and yet the Jeb Vs Chelsea debates are already in pre-production. Welcome to hell. This is our modern day version of the Hatfields and McCoys, except that instead a slew of toothless hicks slugging it out in the backwoods, it's our living rooms that are being invaded.
So...Obama, Romney, Thompson, Edwards, and all you wannabes - kiss your campaigns goodbye and accept the inevitable. The rest of us have.