Recently I found a cartoon by French Cartoonist Jean-Jacques Sempe which is strikingly similar to one I drew a few years back. I'm guessing that Sempe's idea came first, but then again there is no date so I can't be 100% sure.
Personally, I think Sempe's idea is slightly more elegant and profound than mine. However, although his composition is impressive, I think his version is overdrawn. Personally, I'd rather include only those bits of info which contribute to the idea. Maybe I'm just lazy.
So I ask you, "Is this plagiarism?"
Umm, I doubt it. This sort of thing happens all the time in cartooning. Truth is, we're all too busy to bother stealing from one another, and it's inevitable that this type of overlapping will occur.
Ask any cartoonist. He/she will tell you the same.